Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Gopher tortoise

It seems like all my cool wildlife sightings have been in the same place lately. Today in St. Augustine, Florida, at the GTM National Estuarine Research Reserve, I saw this gopher tortoise.

He or she is definitely hiding because I was walking by and stopped to take a photo. It was just hanging out on the trail, and wasn't in a hurry to move as I passed (so typically tortoise). It pulled its head into its shell, but not all the way, so I could take this photo. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

American Dagger Moth Caterpillar

The other day as I was walking down the street in Chicago, I saw a big bright caterpillar making its way across the sidewalk. This critter is an American Dagger Moth (Acronicta americana) caterpillar. It looks soft and fuzzy, but those "hairs" will sting you if you pick it up! They release toxins when they break off, a nice little defense mechanism. The caterpillar will get lighter in color as it gets older, and will turn into a moth as an adult.