Thursday, March 27, 2014

Fun times in the animal sightings

Today I was in the mangroves, collecting leaf samples (like you do). I started to reach for a leaf when I saw something move, and luckily it didn't run away but froze. It was a green anole, a native Florida lizard!

Then I was driving out of the site when I hit a really muddy patch and got the Smithsonian van stuck in the mud. Oops. I noticed the muddy patch on my way in, but managed to get through without getting stuck. Not so on the way out. 
I called the lab manager and he came to the rescue; thank you, Hugh! He brought a tow rope and pulled the van out with a pickup truck--yeah, Ford F150! =)

While I was waiting around for help to come, I noticed a cool slug crawling under the van in the mud. Apparently there are only 3 slug species native to Florida, but 11 exotic slugs. Exotic slugs! Who knew? 

This is the native Florida leatherleaf slug. Some of you may be asking--why are you getting so excited about a slug? Slugs are like snails but with no shell. They are gastropods and hermaphrodites, so they have both male and female reproductive organs. Cool!

If you're curious about all the other slugs in Florida, there is a key here. Seen any of the other ones?